Barclays feed problems

our feed also didn;t run Glenn, and I checked again on ibank to ensure it had that widget in place.

The feed doesnā€™t run on Monday mornings. Thereā€™s nothing to pickup from the banks as statements donā€™t get updated on the weekend. The feed is scheduled to run again tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.

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Hi there Glen

Many thanks for your help. All now O.K.


My Barclays feed has not worked since the end of may - any assistance would be greatly appreciated

@AFR there is no passcode and memorable word configured on your Barclays accounts. You will need to do this first before Quick File can connect to your feed.

Please refer to the section Setting up a Passcode and Memorable Word

My Barclays feed didnt work for about 6 days then started last week and now hasnt updated for about 7 days.
I have not changed anything on here or my Barclays account.

Can someone have a look as i didi start to import manually but then when the feed works i have to remove all the duplicates.

@newboroughkidz Iā€™ve just run the feed for you now. Not sure why it never run weā€™re looking into this.


Still no luck with this and I have entered as per instructions

@AFR your account still hasnā€™t been configured for passcode and memorable word login. Try it yourself, go to your Barclays login screen, enter your customer number and surnameā€¦the proceeding screen requests the last card numbers and pin-sentry number. There is no option on your account for passcode login.

What can I say - worked perfectly for almost two years and then stopped in April. Tried to reset as per instruction but has not worked. I can access my banka ccounts but not obtain a feed.

Barclays did do some passcode reset type thing the other month so maybe they have removed this option for some reason, perhaps if you havenā€™t reset your passcode they have removed the option?

Glenn that worked but it is still not auto updating

Unfortunately the feed didnā€™t run correctly at 3am so we started it up at 8am, this was due to some changes we introduced yesterday that caused an issue. By 11ish it should be done so please check then.

The feed will stabilise next week, weā€™ve made quite a few improvements over these last couple of days so we will get there.

Itā€™s still not auto updated for a week do you know when this week the changes will be applied to bring more stability

@newboroughkidz Iā€™ve manually run the feed and weā€™ll look into your specific case to see why itā€™s not running automatically.

Theyā€™ll always be varying stability issues with this bank feed until Barclays develop a full API feed for 3rd party applications. Otherwise whenever Barclays update the website the feed will break.

I understand a data feed is under consideration at Barclays so I would strongly recommend all Barclays customers to add their votes to the following threads to help move this along.