CSV import error

I am trying to import a CSV file bank statement, every single time I get an error despite mapping fields correctly? Ive read an answer to previous discussion that states to copy into notepad, but I dont have the option or know how to do anything else?
Please Help

To open the CSV file in notepad (depending on your OS) the usual method for most versions of Windows at least is just right click and then select ‘Open with’.

Alternatively open Notepad and use the File -> Open command to open the CSV.

thank you , i have opened it, and here is an example of what i see, it doesn’t give me an option to save in any thing but .txt file so i cant import the statement?

04-Sep,PAYPAL PAYMENT,10.54 ,
04-Sep,CASH IN HSBC SEP04,550.00

i would prefer to fix the import error direct from excel as a csv as this is where the rpobelm lies

You can save it as a CSV by typing yourfilename.csv in the filename box in the Save As dialog or you can save it as a .txt and then simply rename it to a .csv.

@silverprint Which bank issued the CSV originally, or did you create this yourself?

I can there’s no year on the date, not sure if that would cause a problem. It’s best if the dates are expressed as dd/mm/yyyy.

You can PM me a coup of the CSV and I can tell what the problem is if you wish.

HSBC dont offer a CSV downlaod anymore, just a useless PDF statement. So ive had to copy the text and paste into excel. Ive just had a play, and if i manually enter the figures there is no issue with the import, if i copy and paste the figures on the import screen the column showing the figures display a question mark and the import fails? No question mark with manually entered figures and successful import

I will PM you shortly, that will e most helpful thank you

Yes I think that is the case with HSBC personal accounts, I have no idea why they don’t allow this?

You may however find the following plugin useful, I’ve not used it personally but it may help.


Sounds like some formatting is being copied as well. Following the above steps to open with notepad and then resave should clear all the formatting.

This was indeed the case! It was not importing due to trailing spaces after the amounts. @silverprint, I’ve corrected the file and PM’d it back to you.

I’ve asked for spaces to be stripped automatically from the amount columns so you shouldn’t need to do this in future.

Brilliant. Thanks very much. Do I just paste into the file you’ve sent back then?

The file I sent back to you was an amended CSV, you just need to upload it to QF instead of the one you were using before.

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