Highlighted Due Date ADD/RDD - VAT?


I find the due dates in the client/business details view very useful to see at a glance where i am at for my clients and if there is anything coming up i need to know about, is there any chance of including a VAT due column? ie highlighted due in 30 days or something similar.

Many thanks

I agree this would be a useful addition to the Affinity dashboard. I can’t say at this stage how easy it would be to bring this information in, but what I’ve done is log this in our planner for a more detailed review. I’ve also copied a link to this thread so we can get back to you once we’ve had a chance to look in more detail.

@Incognito Just a quick one to let you know that this has now been implemented. By default the VAT Due Date column is not visible in Affinity however you can enable it by opening the modify columns dialogue box on the main accounts list in Affinity (Top right corner).

Once visible you can then sort all managed accounts by VAT Due Date:


Perfect thanks chaps…!!

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