Restore from a backup

Hi Glenn,
Is it still impossible to restore from backup? Our accountant said the numbers somehow changed over last weekend and she couldn’t understand why and how to fix it.
Many thanks!

Did you check the event log?

At the bottom of the dashboard you will see all the recent activity.

Hi Glenn,
My accountant said she was making changes in April-July documents. She started to delete and make new documents, instead of old ones (we got VAT registered), then got confused, her bank statement shows wrong numbers now, and she has no idea what to do with that. She is an old-school accountant, and can’t understand how to fix it in the program…
Is there any chance to bring everything back to October, 12?
Thank you!
Best regards,

There is no functionality to restore to a specific date in QuickFile, it’s actually the same with all cloud accounting systems (restores aren’t easy).

Having said that the normal procedure in such an event is to trace the bank back to the point where it was accurate and go forward from there, to identify what is missing. You should then be able to fill those gaps without too much trouble.

I may have missed the point. If you can not re-install from a back up why have one.

So that you always have a copy of your data if the worst happens.

In the event of something catastrophic happening to Quickfile you can still rebuild your accounts somewhere else and also view the historic data.