Why isn't it possible to permanently delete purchase invoices?

Hi! Firstly, may I say thanks for your hard work so far!

I have been using QuickFile.co.uk for the first time today and overall, I am impressed. However, I am also very frustrated by the fact I’m unable to permanently delete purchase receipts/invoices. I’m clearly still learning but I’m concerned by the lack of control with regards to how my data is stored. Mistakes are made and for my own sanity, I’d like to tidy up after I’ve made them.

After a quick search on these forums, it appears that the reason given is because HMRC require a clear audit trail. What I don’t understand is why that responsibility isn’t left to me? I’ll happily ensure that everything is in order if given the option/tools.

Thanks in advance for any feedback regarding this issue!


When you delete an invoice it will to all intents and purposes become invisible within your account, the only way to view deleted invoices is if you filter the search using the radio options at the bottom of the main list. We retain the deleted invoice to ensure there is a clear audit trail and to prevent permanent loss if a user accidentally deletes an invoice.


Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the speedy reply! Sorry to keep you working on Christmas Eve. :smile:

The fact that deleted items break the neat number ordering of items is troublesome to me due to the fact I probably have OCD! Being able to permanently delete an item and reassign/reorder the numbering would be fantastic functionality IMHO. Keeping files organised is quite a personal thing and I feel sure that others would also appreciate the option to be responsible for their own audit trail. In addition, I do feel it’d ease the learning curve somewhat and encourage experimentation a little more.

I hope that more users read this thread and perhaps add their support for permanent deletion as an additional feature to QF. Regardless, my warmest regards to you and team on what you’ve already achieved as I can only see QuickFile gaining a lot of traction in time.

Merry Christmas!

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I will second this functionality, will be a very handy feature to help clean up some junk invoices that i have to delete because of mistakes.

Yeah I think I’ve still got one adding to my accounts which I can’t get rid of!

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