OK - so a series of errors this morning on my part has led me with MTD to have submitted a return where I didn’t include everything that I should have.
In panic I rolled back the submitted VAT return so that it is now in QuickFile at a status of “Rolledback”. But - HMRC are viewing it as submitted.
I know that I need to just deal with the left out transactions on the next VAT return period - but I am not at all sure what to do with the Rolled Back Return? How do I “un roll it back” for quickfile to show it as submitted and lock all the invoices, create the journals - so that when I do the next period return it sucks up all the missing transactions?
Go into your QuickFile VAT settings and untick the checkbox for online filing. Then it should be possible to create a new VAT return in the normal way for the same period and save it without submitting anything online. Then turn your online filing settings back on ready for next time.
If you’ve created or changed any invoices or purchases within that period since you did the rollback then those will be picked up and locked by the new return - in that case you will need to manually adjust the new return to match what you actually submitted, then apply the same adjustments in reverse to your next return to even it out.