I’m looking at “All Clients” and thought it would be helpful to be able to add a column for date of last invoice, is this possible?
Thought process being I could use client references to create subcategories for customers and then reach out to clients based on time from last invoice - i.e. quickly spot the customer who normally orders monthly but hasn’t ordered for 6-8 weeks etc.
We need to be very careful what we introduce to any of these views, there’s always a performance penalty whenever new data is added. Having all the data in QF is one thing, assembling this data into a single page is another challenge.
Showing the last invoice date would require some sort of JOIN or nested query so we’d need a really compelling reason to add it. If however it’s supported by other users (will leave the request open to gauge interest) then we can certainly consider this.
I would love to be able to customise the Client Management view to show date of last payment made by client. I have a list of tenants, and at the moment I have to click on/view each account individually to check if they’ve paid rent into the bank account. Their payments are automatically tagged to their accounts.
I don’t really find the email address and phone number particularly useful or necessary on this summary view, so is the above possible? Or should I make a custom view elsewhere?
There isn’t an option to show the last payment on the overview screen I’m sorry.
The only way to currently view the last payment from a client is to view the client, click View and then All payments. This will list all payments, but this should give you a good indication of when the last one was.
Perhaps a better option would be to set up a recurring invoice and manually tag the payment. Appreciate this would be a bit more manual work, but at least you would have a list of outstanding invoices you could work from.
Your interest in this feature has been noted however.
@brhadave - I’ve merged your post with the existing feature request. You can add a number of additional columns such as total invoiced, prepayments etc., but things like payment terms aren’t possible at this time unfortunately.