I know this has been dealt with in the past but I have not found a solution in anyone else’s post. I have aged debts that are way off my actual figures and I am just not sure why - possibly some credits and issues where random part payment were made by a client but I really cannot fathom it out. 17/18 was £65.51 out, 18/19 was £605.99 out, 19/20 was £713.49 out and now its an additional £30 - I thought I should be able to spot the £30 but I can’t Any ideas? I tried to do some of the advanced searches but I don’t seem to have any options to do that and check out prepayments. Thank you.
Click on the Export option on the report screen, it will give you a list of all items causing the issue on excel sheet as downlaod
Hi and thanks for replying. If I go to the balance sheet and export the data for the year I then get all the transactions in that period. I have been through matching them up but cannot see where the differences have come in. So I’ve started at the beginning in 2015-16 and have some opening balances paid into the bank with a corresponding entry into 1100. Should that have gone somewhere else? Thank you
No, go to reports > show all reports> under other reports click on Debtor / Creditor Report enter date and click on export data, you will get data
That’s great but these are not the figures in my balance sheet. How do I get the balance sheet to show the correct figures for my year end? Thanks
You need to look at excel downloaded listing and sort out any misallocations to match figures
Thank you again - Its just the opening balance that is now distorting the figures- where can I post it to? Thank you
Did you enter opening balance sheet? if not that should sort it
I think I have sorted it out now - thank you for your help Vici
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