Allocate a bank receipt to multiple client invoices

Hi, can I allocate a bank receipt to multiple client invoices?

I have client A & B, and £500 and £700 invoices. Agent sent me £1200, how can I split them and allocate to A B?

Hi @sy8111,

Yes you can, on the bank transaction if you click the tag button and select payment from customer.


you can then chose to pay down multiple invoices.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

I tried this feature, but seems it only allows me to choose one client. If I choose client A, the bank transaction is tagged to A’s invoice of £500, the rest £700 I can’t allocate to B.

You need to use a new bank account. Create a money in for 500 and 700 tag each to their respective invoices. Then create a money out for 1200 and tag it as a transfer to your main bank account. Matching it to the money in transactuon


Apologies, they have to be for the same client for this to work. If they are separate clients you can either use @Paul_Courtier’s method or just create two separate bank transactions manually and remove the one that has been pulled through automatically

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