Alternative way to split receipts

I know QF doesnt deal with splitting payments i.e. one payment that includes personal and business purchases.

Glenn, if i create a purchase for the full receipt to the supplier and then tag the full payment to the supplier from the bank, then adjust the receipt to show only the business purchases, which leaves an overpaid amount to the supplier, if then i go to the payment screen, there is a button to “refund balance” if i select refund to “DL account” is this the same and going in and deleting the original transaction and manually creating 2 transactions i.e. 1 for personal and 1 for business and then tagging the payments.

If it is, would it be possible to have an option when clicking this button to either edit the description that will show in the “DL account” or some other way of it showing something else other than a refund for “supplier name

if this would be possible this would be a much easier/cleaner way for me to be able to split the receipts i have to.

Yes this method would work fine. Otherwise you could just tag the payment on the bank as a “payment on account”, that would deposit the full amount as a credit, you can then just raise a partial invoice for the business items and pay from the credit. The remaining balance on the account can then be refunded to the DLA.

Personally I would split the bank entry into two, tag one to the purchase invoice (to cover the business purchases) and the other to the DLA.

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