API Access

Hey Guys,

Since the move to cloudflare we can no longer post to the API. We’re either getting a cloudflare response saying there was an error 522, or the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Errors>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</Errors>

Any ideas what’s up and when we can start using the API again?


Hi @BenG

Thanks for your post. We’re aware of the issue, and we’re looking into this to get it back up and running ASAP.

We’ll let you know as soon as we have more information.

Ok thanks - I’ll keep an eye on this thread.

CloudFlare timeout is set to 100 seconds, we have asked for this to be increased for the time being. The other object reference error is something we are looking at now.

Okay, thanks for the update

Hi… any updates on this? Were reliant on the API…

Same problem here, connection timeout issues…

{“html”:{“head”:{“meta”:{“title”:“quickfile.co.uk | 522: Connection timed out”,“meta”:{“0”:[],“1”:[],“0_attr”:{“charset”:“UTF-8”},“1_attr”:{“http-equiv”:“Content-Type”,“content”:“text/html; charset=UTF-8”},“2”:[],“2_attr”:{“http-equiv”:“X-UA-Compatible”,“content”:“IE=Edge,chrome=1”},“3”:[],“3_attr”:{“name”:“robots”,“content”:“noindex, nofollow”},“4”:[],“4_attr”:{“name”:“viewport”,“content”:“width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1”}},“link”:[],“link_attr”:{“rel”:“stylesheet”,“id”:“cf_styles-css”,“href”:"/cdn-cgi/styles/cf.errors.css",“type”:“text/css”,“media”:“screen,projection”},“style”:“body{margin:0;padding:0}”,“style_attr”:{“type”:“text/css”},“script”:{“0”:[],“1”:[],“0_attr”:{“type”:“text/javascript”,“src”:"/cdn-cgi/scripts/zepto.min.js"},“1_attr”:{“type”:“text/javascript”,“src”:"/cdn-cgi/scripts/cf.common.js"}}},“meta_attr”:{“http-equiv”:“set-cookie”,“content”:“cf_use_ob=0; expires=Thu, 20-Oct-16 11:39:08 GMT; path=/”}}},“html_attr”:{“class”:“no-js”,“lang”:“en-US”}}

Then a few seconds later it worked…?

We’re continuing to look at this issue and will update this post as soon as we can.

Hi… 3 hrs since my last post… how are things progressing?

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We’re still working on the issues. We’ve just posted updates for the PayPal & Dropbox feeds, so progress is being made overall. As I mentioned above, as soon as we have any updates, we’ll be sure to update this thread

I noticed today that roughly one in four requests works fine but the others timeout. The ones which work are fast like normal, but you know if it isn’t instant that it’s going to fail.

Let me know if any diagnostics would help.

Thanks for all you’ve done to restore service, you guys must have had a busy week…

@u4h37u @PsittacusBLE @BenG

Apologies for the delay getting back, we discussed the matter at length with CloudFlare and managed to identify a specific issue. This is likely to arise when calling the API without the www., for the root we had duplicate A records configured on our new DNS that was sending some requests to an old IP.

We corrected the A record today so these 522 errors should no longer occur. Of course if you still see anything unusual please get back to us.

Thanks for this, it looks ok now but I’ll properly test and let you know if I see anything.

Hopefully you guys will have a slightly less frantic week. Any news on who the culprits are?

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