API - Test Mode

Not sure if this is just me, but I’m using the API for testing purposes, which apparently isn’t quite testing.

Just tried to create a test client (made sure was set to true), but the client was actually created. Surely it shouldn’t be created?

On another, yet related note, through the Quick File system itself (and not API), I deleted the client, and viewed the list of deleted clients (which is now becoming quite populated with Power Flower!) and I can still click ‘X’, although it does tell me a problem occurred and an engineer is working on it.

Hope that makes sense!

As far as I am aware TestMode was in the process of being depreciated, I will need to check on this. Previously it allowed duplicate submission numbers to be used but it always committed the data. Obviously this is not clear so we’ll need to look at that.

Let me also have a look also at those extra clients in your account. I will get back to you shortly.


I have manually removed those client records and I have logged the deletion bug on our system.

Thanks for deleting those.

A test mode would be helpful for specifically that - testing. I know you mentioned it would being depreciated, but is is going to be replaced?

I don’t think we will be able to implement this feature as we’d need to fake a response when testmode is set to true, this is going to be very hard to do as we’d need to write specific functions to return this dummy response. At the moment we just piggyback the functions the main application uses.

I agree it would be a nice feature to have but very hard to implement. Not ruling it out but it may need to come later.

In the mean time I would setup a dummy QF account for all API testing.


I’ve switched this thread to a support query but we’re aware of the other bug regarding client deletion and this will be looked at soon.

Good thinking on the dummy account.

Thanks @Glenn!

I was going to say use a dummy account for API testing but thought Glenn might not be happy at all the random unused accounts that would spring up!

Would it be better to have a separate set of accounts for testing purposes that get removed/emptied or something along those lines at regular intervals? I’m never too keen on using sandboxes/switching things into test mode as it invariably doesn’t work as expected.

I quite like the idea of an account that’s automatically refreshed.

Yes ideally it would be good to just have one dedicated test account for all users that gets cleared every 24 hours. It would be better for us as we’d have less dormant accounts left over, although to be honest that’s not much of an issue right now as only a small percentage of users ever go near the API.


@Parker1090 the specific issue with the client deletion option still being visible after deleting has been fixed.

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