Attach PDFs for supplier to client linked invoices


We’ve been auto-importing an invoice from a supplier also using Quickfile, but today I’ve noticed that as a result I don’t have a copy of the sales invoice on file.

This is obviously a major concern for VAT purposes.

I noticed on Auto import invoices that you were previously looking at auto-mapping a pdf copy of the invoice, which would solve this issue. Have you got anywhere with that?


I agree that this functionality needs to be added also.

Hi both,

Please bear with me, and I’ll see if I can find out if there was any progress on this. However, we may not come back to you until Monday.

When a supplier to client link is established and the supplier sends an invoice, QF intercepts the link to the supplier’s hosted client area and instead redirects to the mapped purchase record. Those sales invoices are still there and accessible, it just means you need to get them manually from

In the interest of keeping things in one place it makes sense for us to snapshot the PDF and attach it to the purchase invoice. We are working on this and it should be implemented shortly.

Getting the PDF sales invoice attached to the purchase record is fairly simple. However at the moment we are having problems figuring out how to handle edits on the supplier end and to conveniently replicate them to the client side, this is turning out to be quite convoluted as the old PDFs need to be removed and replaced.

Anyway, it’s a work in progress and we’ll update as soon as some of the underlying problems are resolved.

Another option might be simply to include a link on the purchase invoice screen directly to the mapped invoice in the supplier’s client area (bypassing the login step, at least if the supplier doesn’t have “enforce client login” switched on). Then there’s no need to push updates to the PDF, it’s up to the purchaser side to pull the info when they need it. I

We don’t store PDFs invoices in any sort of permanent way. They are generated on the fly when previewed and purged from file storage after 2-3 days.

If we include them as a file attachment on the purchase record, this also fits in with the current model that allows users to isolate purchases without receipts attached in the advanced search.

We have now finalised the work in regards to automatically attaching the original sales invoice PDF to any mapped purchases. Whenever your supplier creates an invoice for you, we will now generate and attach the sales invoice PDF to the purchase record.

If your supplier edits the invoice, we’ll update the attachment automatically with the edits.

I hope this assists with the VAT record-keeping!

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That’s excellent thanks @Glenn!!!

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Thanks @Glenn - will definitely help!

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