Auto Generated Statement not using custom email template


Firstly, great software, been a quickbooks desktop user for 20 years, and just gone over to QuickFile about 2 weeks ago.

So asking, when I set the auto generated statements, even though I have changed the email template in routine emails. The original still gets sent, with the original text and link, which I want to stop this link.

If I manually send one by email, then my custom wording gets sent.

This sends me to my second question, even though I have set enforce client login, they can still automatically log in from the link.

Many Thanks

Hi @Eddie_B

Welcome to QuickFile! Glad you’re liking it all so far.

Let me take a look into this on a test account, and I’ll come back to you shortly.

I’ve logged this with our development team for review.

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Hi @Eddie_B

Please accept my apologies for the delay here, but this fix did go live a short while ago.

If you’re still experiencing issues or if you notice something isn’t quite right, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Hi @QFMathew

Yes, i did notice, thank you. Using it now. Believed it was solved within a week, of my request.

Many thanks

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