I have set up an automated bank feed for my Starling bank account and was looking to check a few details…
First I suppose is… I am using the free trial a the minute and the feed is said to update once every 24hrs at 1am…
I have a number of free apps on my phone that have a direct bank feed and update in real time, meaning that I get instant updayes without the £15 price.
Also, I have noticed that it doesnt seem to pick up on all payments
For example, yesterday it brought up a payment from a week or 2 ago at amazon which I have already added to quickfile so I deleted the input
I made a further purchase at amazon last night and today it did not show the new Amazon purchase but instead showed the same purchase as the day before.
Im basically just looking for a bit of assurance around the effectiveness of the feed before I need to pay for it as from what I have seen so far it doesnt really look to save me any work, infact it is adding wok by duplicating things as mentione above.