Good afternoon everyone. Im still struggling with the automated receipt side.
I have given it a good old try but I still have to put all details in manually. I only have receipts from say 7 suppliers so I would hope that the system has a grasp of what to look for over the last 2 months. I still think I’m doing something wrong. At present I’m capturing the receipt and tagging for later. Then while at home click on tag in receipt hub and hit the wand. It does create a little box that seems to be scanning but doesn’t ever fill in any info.
I have used a system like this before which was pretty accurate (wave accounting) so I know that the OCR system does recognise the receipts I usually have.
Is it me or do I need to give the system another 6 months to learn?
Hi @drew4
This feature is still very basic at the moment and I believe it is better with recognising till receipts rather than invoices due to the layout etc.
It may just need more time but I have asked the Dev team if there is anything else that can be done
Thank you for coming back to me. I will persevere. See how the system goes. Shame though as I know these sort of systems do work when up and running.
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