Backup not showing recent changes

HI, I have made changes to several invoices but when i run a back up it is not showing the changes? Can anyone help? its affecting my VAT figures as I need to see the detail on the invoices and back up seems to be the only way i can see all the detail and filter it by account code and get net and vat figures separated.

Hello @KT1

The backups are run on a copy of your data (which may be 12-24 hours old) as to not impact the live system.

With this in mind recently entered information would not be present.

its affecting my VAT figures as I need to see the detail on the invoices and back up seems to be the only way I can see all the detail and filter it by account code and get net and vat figures separated.

What specific detail is it you need to see?, you can export the vat return to see a breakdown of what is included in each box.

Also in the sales and purchase screens you can choose to display the net and vat columns by clicking “Modify columns” in the top right


Hi Steve,

The modify columns is super helpful thank you! Is there any way to export the data also showing the nominal posting code so that i can filter by this?

Thank you!

Hello @KT1

Not on the sales side as 1 invoice could have lots of lines with multiple nominal codes.

The sales invoice items file in the backup is the only export like this but this should not affect the vat return.

As purchases tend to be smaller we added the option below

In Purchases select More Options > Show nominal postings



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