Bank tagging, matching part paid invoices

I have an issue and am not sure if its a bug or not, if i pay down multiple invoices, but say the last one is only partially paid, and i then have a payment that matches the invoice not fully paid, and click tag, payment to supplier, it shows it as a match (dosent show partly paid off) it was only after i re-clicked tagged that i noticed, as i am trying to use all the payments as close o the supplier invoice dates as possible, but this way it isnt and it doesnt even inform me that some of the payment has gone on supplier credit (held)

Surley if the invoice was partly paid the bank tagging shouldnt match the payment as the amount outstanding on the invoice is different?

I’ve diarised this to be review on Monday, I will update you once we have had a chance to look.


The 2nd bank tagging match scenario should only ever match fully unpaid invoices. There was a regression here in the code but it has now been addressed.

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