Bank Tagging not creating purchase record


I have been bank tagging from the start of the year. I have noticed that on the profit/loss area under fuel it didn’t reflect the amount that had been spent.

Upon further investigation I have found that nearly all of my fuel tags from the start of the year have not been allocated to a purchase?

I cannot re tag them as they are now locked in VAT returns. Can anybody advise?


Do you have any specific examples? Bank account, date, amount and reference?

FW Contracts account. Allstar business. 30/07/2014

From the start of the year to that date do not seem to have tagged properly?

These items have been tagged as payments on account. When you bank tag an item from the bank there are two options.

  1. Create a new purchase record for this transaction
  2. Pay down multiple purchases or assign to a supplier account

When option 2 is selected it just drops the funds onto the supplier account without allocating to an invoice. I see however since August you have assigned them to invoices (using option 1).

If you go to view this supplier, all those unallocated funds are sitting on the account as a credit.

I would suggest raising one bulk invoice for that total and assigning the credit to it. You can of course create all the individual invoices using the bulk purchase entry, if you do this create them as unpaid then go into each and pay down from the credit.