Better Reporting Options

Reports help companies manage their cash flow, sales and budgets. It would be nice to be able to customise reports as well.

To be honest my main bugbear with your system is the reports functions.
For example, It would be nice to be able to do more reports which as sales by item etc. or even just have more options to view different columns in some of your pages such as your payments screen, then I could export the file and create a quick pivot table to give me my answers quickly.

There is also an issue with ‘sales inventory’ when it comes to creating a report.

  1. you can only view 50 options which means you can only export 50 items at a time, makes downloading information tedious.
  2. if you change the date range when you download the 50 items it still shows all the data captured for ALL dates not just your selected date range.
  3. You cannot add or choose which columns of data you wish to see.

If this was sorted out, then things like this could be used useful reporting forms, downloaded and pivot tables used to create quick reports.
Currently, I have to double report my sales (we have 8 websites so I cannot just use website data) and have an excel spreadsheet to monitor items sold to be able to effectively manage my business.

Moved from this thread Cashflow forecast report


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This is quite a broad request. Is there anyway you can provide specifics on what columns you’d like to see and in which reports?

Have you looked at the backup data set (Account settings >> All settings >>
Weekly/monthly backups)? This provides a full export of all data and runs from a snapshot of our database.

There are some limitations no how we can arrange and structure live data as it has performance implications for all users. The same in regards to pulling 50+ items, we need to move these operations to snapshots as they’re quite resource intensive.

You can run a back up file. Open in Excel using power query. This then gives you the option of opening the file and extracting the information you require. The power query in Excel is very powerful, recording your steps (which then can be used automatically when the data changes). If you direct the excel powery query to the folder of the unzipped data (use the same folder just update data) a simple refresh will update all data.

From this data you can have all the transactions, indeedl you even have the ability of creating a budget and compare against the actual data downloaded. The only caveat being you require excel or power bi.

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