Bogus character appearing in long line item description in invoice

The information between the “=======” markers is entered into a line item description, resulting in a bogus null character being inserted in the line containing the date 08-Dec-2015, and this character cannot be deleted. Edit the space character out and it reappears when the invoice is previewed. This has occurred on a number of invoices.

Term 6: 90 minutes of 121 including hatha, vinyasa flow, meditative techniques, positive visualisation and partner yoga.

Group of 10 sessions:

08-Dec-201 5
05-Jan- 2016
26-J an-2016

This is an odd one, but if you have a long unbroken line of characters we arbitrarily insert spaces to prevent the text flowing outside of the boundaries. It seems in the above example the carriage return isn’t getting classed as a space, so those list of dates is getting picked up as a long unbroken string.

If you add a single space after the dates it will fix the problem, which I have done for you.

In the mean time I’ve asked if we can look at another way of solving this overlflow problem. There is a CSS rule you can use but the PDF tool doesn’t interpret this so we’ve used a more primitive method.