Calculated email dates for invoice reminders

Hey All,

Does anyone know if there’s a way we can calculate dates within the auto-reminder emails?
I’m looking to add an absolute deadline date to the third stage reminder, but I’m not sure if I can, or how to, get QuickFile to work the date out for me.

Any thoughts?

If you drilldown from the dashboard to show all outstanding invoices, you will see a small hourglass icon next to the due date. This will allow you to preview or set the number of days past the due date when the 1st, 2nd and 3rd reminders should be triggered.

@Glenn - I think the OP is after more of “Please pay by (today+x days)” in the emails

Thanks @Glenn and @Parker1090,

Yes I do indeed mean to be able to add a (today+x days) token or something.


I’m not aware of a way to do this, other than to either manually type it (if you send them manually), or to just state “within x days of receiving this email”

But maybe the QF team could confirm for you

You have the @InvoiceDueDate@ token which will just pickup the specified due date for the invoice.

Overdue reminders are then triggered at intervals x number of days after the due date. But right now I’m afraid there’s no way to output those dates into the email template.

The only token specific to reminder emails is @DaysOverdue@ which will show the number of days the invoice is past the due date.

Okies thanks for confirming @Glenn,
I’ll work around :smile:


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