Change details or create new client?

Hi! I have a client who is hiving-up the subsidiary (my client) into their parent company. All my contacts, their trading name and email addresses, etc remain the same, but they have a new legal number. Should I edit their existing details or create a new client?

Are you referring to a new Company Registration number? It’s really up to you if you log this under a new client record or just keep using the existing one? Do you need to differentiate the sales for your own reporting needs?

Strictly speaking you are invoicing a different legal entity, although I believe there’s only a requirement to include your company number on outgoing invoices, not that of your client’s. From a bookkeeping point of view it shouldn’t make a difference, for your own record keeping, that’s your choice.

If you change any details on a client record it won’t retrospectively change all issued invoices anyway and will simply be applied to the newly raised invoices.

That’s exactly what I needed to know - thanks so much!

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