Changing Monthly view on Dashboard to 4 weeks period

I tried to find relevant conversation but couldn’t.
On dashboard there is a setting where you can see invoices only by month.
We charge clients on recurring, 4-weekly basis, meaning sometimes (like this month) there are more invoices issued than other months - but that’s only because it’s a 4 week period than a month.

Is there any chance I could actually change the dashboard view settings to 4 weekly view please?

I assume I could do it in my reports - but would be so much easier if that would be just automatically there, visible all the time.

So technically speaking there would be 13 times invoices would be created than 12 (52 weeks divided by 4 weeks).

Hi @LPMM_Ltd

Do you mean the bar graphs on the right hand side of the dashboard? If so, the period shown there is fixed to the last 3 months.

We can certainly consider adding an option for changing this. If I’m on the right lines, do you want me to convert this to a feature request to track interest going forward?

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Yes, that one! Right now it is only month by month.

Ideally I would love to have lets’s say Week 1-4, Week 5-8, etc or it can be named anything else, even 1, 2, 3.
The point is to have recurring invoices matching periods rather amending invoices to sometimes longer months.

I am not sure if other businesses have that issue?
To be honest previously it was such a pain: 5 or 4 weeks in a month.
So from 2018 we started charging on 4 weekly basis, due services are delivered weekly, so direct debits are taken automatically, too - what saves a lot of time, thank you. But then we realised on 29th January all invoices for next 4 weeks came out - meaning February will look like we haven’t done much work lol…

I don’t think it’s something that’s come up before. I’ve moved it to the Feature category for the moment, and we’ll certainly keep an eye on the interest here :slight_smile:

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Ok, great, thank you!

ALternatively I was also considering to have Dynamic Variables - but that’s only is amending the period/month not the actual amounts, isn’t?

If I understood it right - I could set up invoices issued Jan, Feb, March accordingly - but the sums will be precisely the same in every invoice?

Continuing the discussion from Changing Monthly view on Dashboard to 4 weeks period:

Any news on whether this will happen, please? I also work in 4 weekly periods, so being able to change the dashboard view from calendar months to 13 x 4 weekly periods would be great and easier to read at a glance!

Hi @sallyjane

There aren’t any plans to change this at the moment, but many of our features do come from our community.

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