I received a credit from one of my suppliers for damaged goods, so I created a credit note (CN23) in QuickFile on 28th August which I have since used towards another invoice (QF286). I have been digging through my paperwork and have just found the documentation I received from the supplier for this credit, and I see that the date on their documentation is 3rd September, which does not match the date of the QuickFile CN.
So I want to change the date of CN23 from 28/08 to 03/09.
QuickFile will not let me change the CN date directly, but neither can I delete and recreate the CN with the correct date, because it has already been applied to another purchase.
I can’t delete the CN “payment” from QF286 either, which I had assumed would be the way to unlock the CN.
Is there any way round this short of deleting purchase QF286 entirely, then deleting the CN, then recreating the CN with the right date, then re-creating the subsequent purchase with a new number and re-creating the other part payments that apply to it? Or should I just accept that the documentation and the QF records disagree slightly? I’m not (yet) VAT registered so I guess it doesn’t particularly matter in the grand scheme of things.