Colour backgrounds on different bank accounts

Feature requested
Colour backgrounds on different bank accounts

Typical use case
When having multiple pages open in a browser, it can be slow and error producing by mistaking what account it is that you are looking at.

If you could choose a different colour background for different accounts, you would not have to scroll to the top of the page to remind yourself what account you are looking at, and your workflow would be faster and likely reduce errors by mistaking the accounts.

I have numerous accounts and am often reconciling between them with each account open on a separate browser page

How I would expect it to work
In the account settings there could be a “background page colour” tag.

Hello @notanaccountant

As QuickFile is web based all the page elements can be adjusted using CSS

Here is an example

In Account Settings > Design Customisation > Advanced CSS & HTML Customisation > Global CSS you can add some CSS code to adjust the screen elements.

tr.dataRow[data-bid="1171214"]  // this is the bank ID
    background-color: #ff6347 // Colour goes here, either hex value, e.g. #FF0000, or RGB

You would repeat this for as many banks as needed just replacing the

  • Bank ID (you can get this from the address bar when viewing the bank account)


  • The colour you wish to use (here is a link where you can get these)

OK, that’s great thank you, but it would be nice to see a function as a feature. Or are you saying that is not possible?

Hello @notanaccountant

Anything to do with the display can be changed using CSS code, this was implemented some time ago.

It would not make sense to duplicate options in the software.

If you need any help with it please just let us know via private message.

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Hi Steve, I’ve tried the code and it does no work.

I’ve copied exactly what you wrote except for the // and explanation following.

Please advise.

Btw, this is really not a feature for clients to have to do this.

Hi @notanaccountant

Apologies, I think there was a bit of confusion about what you were looking for, but hopefully the below will help.

Firstly, remove the code that Steve posted above. Then, paste and edit the below into the Custom Scripts area:

$(document).ready(function() {
    if($('body').hasClass('page-bank-statement')) {
        var bankId = $('#txtbankID').val();
        if(bankId == 123456) {
            $('.vMasterColumn').css('background-color', '#ff6347');
        } else if(bankId == 123457) {
            $('.vMasterColumn').css('background-color', '#ffa500');

Change the bank IDs to the relevant ones, and the same with the colours, as per @QFSteve’s explanation above.

Also, if this is your first time using the custom script, be sure to activate it:

This will change the background colour of the whole page, depending on the bank account being viewed.

Here’s an example from a test account

(I wouldn’t go for red)

Thanks Matthew, but as I said to Steve earlier, this is NOT a feature. It is unreasonable for QF to expect clients to code their own pages. The reason why we are discussing this is because I made a feature request, a very simple button-click to change the page background that you could maybe access from the bank setting page.

I believe such an addition to the QF layout would be very attractive to both current and new users alike.