Create estimate with one off charges and recurring charges

Is there a way to create a single estimate to include one off charges and recurring charges seperatley. At the moment I create two estmiates and state on each estimate if is is one off charges or recurring monthly charges. Customers still get confused even though its on the estimate.

maybe if there was an option to create two different tables with two seperate totals

Hi @arbourcom

There isn’t a way to differentiate them on an estime I’m afraid. However, the notes box and invoice lines accept HTML. Something like the following would highlight it in red:

<span style="color:#FF0000;">This is a monthly recurring charge</span>

Alternatively, take a look at comment lines (click the cog on the line and click ‘convert to comment line’. This should be styled differently from the rest of the estimate, and can be customised via the CSS editor.

I hope that helps!

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