Customer Events List Letter Links Broken 404 NOT Found

Unfortunately, it appears that all links to letters sent via the system under ‘Recent Events’ are broken and only reveal the 404 - Not Found message.

Previously, we could click on a recent event - for example to view a letter sent to a customer and the letter would be revealed.

I assume this is a bug created by software updates involving re-locating where system letters are now held. Can this be returned so that sent letters can again be viewed please.
Regards Mike

Hi @mickrich,

I have tried to replicate this but I am not coming across the error.

Is it letters before a certain date that you are seeing the error for? Or could it be a letter that you have since updated?

Hi Beth

As far as I can determine, it has affected all of the letters. Previously, I think the letters were located: /secure/documents/letters/index.aspx But now they appear to be located at: /letters?o=0

I’m guessing this change has had unintended consequences … Feel free log into my account to see the error. We have created a lot of copy letters via a TEST customer which demonstrates the error … i.e. please search for TEST and you should find and be able to replicate the error.

Hi @mickrich.

Thank you - I have reported this to the dev team to take a look at

I am also having this problem, can only access through account settings can’t access through client account or letter shortcut

Hi @mickrich @krf3167

This has now been fixed. Please let us know if you are still experiencing problems

That is great all seems to be working again


Thanks - everything appears to be fine again - much appreciated :grin:

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