Customisation of home screen


Just had a play with the custom Area and i have been asked id it would be Customisable Dash board area to have custom so it can be changes to our corporate colours and have our logo at the top

This can be done in Affinity (i.e. if the account is linked to an Affinity profile) but it isn’t currently part of the advanced customisation toolset.

We would be happy to possibly bring this into the advanced customisation area, we’re already looking at providing overridable CSS for the main admin area but no logo planned as yet.

Okay That sounds good

At least if we can change colour that would be a start i under stand the whole not allowing logos as that is special to the Paid service

Any idea when this is planed for ?

I suspect it will be deployed within about 4-6 weeks (rough estimate). Some other users are looking to change the colour of the tag/untag buttons thus making it easier for individuals who struggle to differentiate red and green.

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