Is there a reason for debtors control to be out of sync with the debtors control on the balance sheet?
For example, debtors control is accurate for the current year/period but the debtor’s control on the balance sheet report for the same period is different.
Yes , it would be due to some journals or prepayments
Yes allocate prepayments to relevant customers if nothing outstanding or delete prepayments from bank
Would that not put the bank balance out ?
No, if you have recorded prepayments and want to use credit on account for customers, it will reduce debtors and prepayment too
As far as I am aware I don’t have any prepayments.
Any journal entries like entering opening balances on the creditors and/or debtors nominal accounts will also make them not tally with the actual unpaid sales and purchase invoices.
You check for prepayments from an advance search from the “View clients” in the Sales menu,
and the “View suppliers” in the Purchases menu.
Using the prepayment tick boxes
This is a flash video of doing that
Thanks, I ran that and I don’t have any that are relevant to my query