Delivery Note Not Working

Ok so sometimes we have to create a delivery note from estimates.

Up until today that was working ok but now when we create click to view an estimate as a delivery note that works ok but then when we go and print it that part is not working correctly.

when we print it we can see the unit cost etc showing?

Hi @march1972

Thank you for your post. We’re aware of this and looking into this at the moment.

We’ll keep you posted with the progress.

Hi Trying to print a delivery note from dropdown box in invoice it displays correctly, but when you click print it converts it back to invoice and will not print the delivery note

Hi @Armstrong

We’re aware of the issue; I’ve merged your post into the existing thread and will update you shortly.

@Armstrong @march1972 - Just a quick update to let you know this should now be resolved. Please let us know if you experience any further issues.

All seems to be working again… Thank you for your fast response !!

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