Depreciation nominals (8000-8007) deleted and re-entered

I have just posted about Depreciation of Assets (N/L codes not matched to the Fixed Assets) for Balance Sheet report but I also did a bit of renaming of the nominal codes used within Overheads.

Did not make any changes to 8000 Depreciation but the remainder nominals were deleted and re-entered so that my preferred description is used.

Nominals codes
8001 deleted and not re-entered
8002-8005 deleted and then re-entered with a different description
8006-8007 new nominal codes

I am wondering if by deleting these system codes whether I have broken something?
When exporting the Chart of Accounts there is a field “DEPRECIATIONPARENT”. Do these nominals need matching to their relevant Depreciation nominals in Fixed Assets?

Found that DEPRECIATIONPARENT is not used for Depreciations (8000-8007) but as part of matching Depreciation with the Fixed Assets so hope no harm done!

Yeah, the parent link is used to tie together the balance sheet accounts for the original asset value and the accumulated depreciation so the balance sheet report can show net book value.

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