Directors Loan Account Import - Debit or Credit side in the import file?


This is the 2nd import file I am doing and it looks to me, that the import function into the DLA account does not take into account the Debit/ Credit side of the import CSV file, and no matter what, QF imports all data into the (Money in) side.

Am I missing something? what reference does the import take into account for QF booking?

thanks, Kristina



You should be able to map the columns when you upload the file? There is a tick box that differentiates between having one column for all in and out or separate columns for in/out transactions.

If it’s easier you’re welcome to share a screenshot making sure to remove any sensitive information

Hi @QFBeth,

I may have seen this “all-in”. Let me redo it. What’s the rationale for it, btw? I would prefer it not be ticked by default as it is not a standard case to put all into “in” position, in my opinion.
Could this detault setting be removed by any chance?

Let me revert to the unticking in my next reply.

thnks for the prompt replies, Beth.


It works when the box for “my import file has money in and out columns separately” is ticked.

Ok, I misread your first message. apologies. all clear now.

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