When i tick to disable payment options on my quickfile admin, these options are still available for the client regardless. Also when client pays through these method, quickfile don’t let me know (paypal do, but gocardless don’t either) and as a result my clients receive a payment reminder.
As paypal and gocardless charge for payments, so i would like to either disable them both so i can only allow these payment when they had been previously agreed with client (so i can add the charge) or that the charge would be automatically added up by quickfile on payment.
You can also disable for specific invoices or delete the payment method entirely. If you disable the payment option at client level it will only take affect on new invoices created, it won’t remove the option for any invoices created before the restriction was applied. You can however go into any of those invoices yourself, select the Pay Online button and manually remove the option for each.
But my issue is that on my quick file, i create a new client, disable the payment option (tick the boxes). then i create an estimate, from this estimate i create an invoice.
Payment button should be disabled, but they are not. Client is still able to access these payment options
Something must be wrong on my quickfile as it’s not working as it’s supposed to?
OK I am actually aware of that specific issue and it was logged a couple of weeks ago. I’m pretty certain we fixed this issue on our development system and it’s waiting to go live. Let me check and return to you on this.
Apologies, yes this issue has been fixed and should go live sometime mid week.