That would make sense. We sent an email out to all Starling feed users on the 6th August, and again on the 9th August, as Starling updated their API. It meant that accounts had to be reconnected.
All our emails are sent through Amazon to the main administrator of the individual accounts. I will check our systems, however, to see if there were any issues or bounces relating to your email address.
Starling have confirmed htere was an unannounced change to their API, but have reverted the change. Can you please try it again now?
If you go into the active feed details you should be able to remove and then re-add the feed to then make sure the correct feed is linked.
Providing that all of the transactions are left untagged you can go to View recent bank uploads and delete them per upload there or select multiple and then delete selected:
with regards to importing you will have to download a bank statement and import it manually as you may not be able to set the date back as far as 9th August
Please would you retry? There was a change to the Starling API that broke new consent creation. We’ve implemented a fix for this, so it should now work.