Estimate showing as Converted


I have an estimate which I haven’t converted yet but is showing as converted. The recent events section doesn’t show any signs of a conversion and there is now draft invoice resulting in a conversion either.

And because its showing as converted I can’t actually convert properly!

Is this a glitch or am I missing something?


Hi @w9gga

Are you able to confirm your account number and the estimate number please, and I’ll take a quick look for you?

I believe I’ve found your account and the estimate in question. I can see from the event log that this was converted on the 29th March by Chris (see @Glenn’s post below)

I think possibly this one?

To revert the estimate status, you can delete it and restore. This will then bring back the option to convert it to an invoice.

Thanks guys you have deffo solved it. I think my colleague deleted it because of the strange invoice number it auto generated, he must have thought it was an error.

I think I struggled to follow it because on my recent events sections it doesnt show the 29th of March entry:
Image removed

So I understand, can you explain where to look if this isnt the correct area?

I’ve removed your image because it contains names of people and companies :slightly_smiling:

That would be the correct area, but individual events can be deleted this may have happened here. You can however see a full list of all events without going into individual invoices or estimates by going to Account Settings > All Settings > Event Log

All I done, was search for the estimate number, and the event that @Glenn highlighted above showed up.

Gotchya! i will know for next time.

Cheers guys - awesome as usual :slight_smile:

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