My bank refunded a Fee and then paid an additional £150 ex gratia payment directly into my bank. How do I allocate this correctly in Quickfile. I just have an unreconciled bank entry.
If I set up an Invoice, I’d have to mark it paid before refunding… so basically not sure how to do this one.
I’m not an accountant but when a similar thing happened for me I tagged it as “something not on the list” to a code like “misc income” (create one in the sales section if you don’t have it already).
Thank you both, Done, 4900 - Misc Income… I guess my accountant can always clear it up at year-end. I am somewhat astounded that a bank should give a payment of this nature and even more astounded at the complication required in terms of accounting to deal with it. It’s more of a nuisance than it’s potentially worth. But I am not one for letting banks get away with bad service so I’ll take what they give back.