Export A Bank Search


Why can I only export this financial year from a Bank search ?



Hi @John_Charnock1

I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems with this. To try and narrow down what’s happening here, would it be possible for you to tell me the steps you are carrying out to export the data?


I m going to my bank account, selecting search on a ref and selecting between two dates which include 1 past financial year Jan - Dec 2020. I select all for export but only 2021 is exported, 2020 isn’t exportable.

Hi @John_Charnock1

When exporting in this way, only the data that is actively displayed on your screen will be exported. If you require more data than what you’re able to see on the screen, it may be worth running an account back up.

This will give you everything, but you will be able to filter the results to just what you want to see.

I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


It is all actively displayed, it won’t let me select 2020 data

Hi @John_Charnock1

Thank you for clarifying this.

One reason for not being able to select a transaction would be that it has been locked. For example through the Year End process.

If this is the case, the easiest solution would be to run an account backup which will allow you to export the required information.

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