Extra Supplier Credit

Hi guys,
I am filling my annual return and I have noticed that one of my supplier has a credit of around £100 that should not be there.
I am unsure how can this be as we always paid the supplier in full. Could it be an issue with currency conversion?

Can you help me to understand and as well let me know how do I remove this incorrect credit?

Please let me know.
Kind Regards

If you go to the supplier in question and select from the view menu “All payments”, you should be able to see those payments that have unallocated credit. You can then trace these back to specific invoices.

Dear Glenn,

Thanks for your feedback.
I can indeed see 2 transactions with unallocated values, but all of the corresponding invoice are fully paid so I do not understand what went wrong and as those are VAT related I cannot really modify them.
Is there an easy way to remove completely this credit that this supplier has currently available?

Please let me know.
Kind Regards

Without rolling back the VAT return you could refund the unallocated balance on the payment to petty cash.

You could then enter a counter transaction on Petty cash to balance it and post that to Currency Charges (7902). That way it becomes a currency loss/gain.

Dear Glenn,

Thanks to coming back to me on this and sorry to not reply earlier but I have been away for work.
The process now seems clear the only thing I find difficult is find the place where I can set up this refund.
Can you step me through the interface indicating where I can find the area shown in your printscreen?


If you go to the supplier and click the view menu followed by “All payments”:

Now locate the payment with the unallocated credit and click to view.

You will then see the “Refund Balance” button here:

Hope that helps!