Feature Request - Affinity reports

Custom reports , at Affinity level, that can be propagated to all attached profiles

We can do custom reports per Quickfile client at client level but standard, practise-wide ,white label reports feature would save time and allow cost-effective managment reporting to be added as a service.

Hi @Adrian55

Thanks for the suggestion!

What type of reports are you looking for?

Ability to construct a monthly reportng pack consisting ofl :slight_smile:

Balance sheet
Aged debtors
Aged creditors
Ideally, a cashflow statement ( direct method).

Monthly, financial quarter, Annual rreporting periods with corresponding comparatives.

I’ve seen this implemented elsewhere by allowing client COA codes to be mapped to pratice-wide COA/reporting codes after an initial automatic matching.

Another option would be an api dump to a third party reporting app that can be bolted onto Affinity as long as the reports propagate to all profiles?


Yes! Just what I’ve been waiting for.

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