GoCardless taking some DD but not others

I have noticed gocardless takes some dd’s automatically and it reconciled automatically which is an awesome feature. However I have some customers where this does not happen and I want to make it happen, how do I do this? The customers whom it isnt happening for already have DD mandates in place, I dont understand why it works for some and not others

Hi @Lee_Taylor

For the ones that’s not being sorted automatically, are these requested through QuickFile, or through another platform (such as an ecommerce site, or even GoCardless itself)?

Potentially, it may be the older records where we requested the DD via gocardless, prior to the feature being available via quickfile

If the direct debits are being requested through GoCardless directly, they won’t be pulled in. We only track the ones requested through QuickFile.

In which case, there are 2 options to do this. Firstly however, you will need to bring in the mandates of that client, which can be done by viewing the client and then clicking on the GoCardless box, just above the event log:
To actually collect the funds in QuickFile, you’ll need either a recurring invoice (which is completely automated - funds are requested, collected and logged automatically), or the other option is to request them ad-hoc.

With the latter, you would raise the invoice as normal, and then go to More Options >> Collect By Direct Debit. The process is the same - the payment is collected and logged, it’s just requested manually.

I hope that makes sense?

Ok so for this particular customer, who already has a DD mandate in place, do I need to request a new DD authorization through the quickfile software, or can I use the existing DD authorization that is already in place and was set up via go careless?

You can use the existing mandate, you would just need to copy it over. This can also be done by clicking the “Setup a Direct Debit for this Client” box. Just use the “Import Mandate” option.

Great I will try that now…dont go away😂

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I cant see the option to set up a direct debit because the box where that usually is has a box that says “Direct Debit Found”

If the direct debit has been found, it’s already set up on your account - one less thing to worry about :wink:

You can start collecting from it straight away through QuickFile using one of the options I listed above. But please don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any help with this

And will that automatically reconcile their account?

Will I have to amend the existing recurring invoices as they do not take the payment automatically? I think the go cardless dd was in place since 2015 and I recently re requested dd via quickfile if that makes sense

You will need to amend the recurring invoices, yes. But it’s as easy as going into them and ticking the “collect by DD” box. Any new invoices going forward will then be automatic.

For any invoices that have already been issued, you’re going to have to manually trigger the direct debit.

But as these are through QuickFile, we’ll log the money coming in and tag it to the invoices for you automatically.

Awesome, that’s all done. At least lockdown gives you time to get on top of admin. THANKS

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