How do I hide the Quotes/Estimate Tab in Client Area?
Can this be done specifically per client or global.
Can I hide from Client area specific Quotes/Estimates?
We deal with large companies who have Accounts / Sales / Purchases departments and each department does not want to see certain information.
We also need to remove old converted Quotes when our pricing or other situations change and don’t want our customers quoting back to us what was charge last time.
We also noted that our client areas can see other peoples accounts if we have used a “testemail” on each account, does this mean the client accounts are linked if the email addresses are the same?
I noticed Quotes/Estimates don’t appear when in DRAFT, so if I converted a CONVERTED back to DRAFT it would no long be visible, however does this have any accounting impact, ie does it mess with invoicing or norminal ledgers etc?
This is correct Quotes/Estimates don’t appear when in “DRAFT”. If you convert back to draft this only effects the estimate not any invoices linked to it.