Historic Aged Debtors listing

Hi there,

My accountant wants me to change QuickFile to QuickBooks because he thinks that:
“The shortcoming in QF is the apparent inability to create a historic Aged Debtors listing eg balance sheet say trade debtors owe you £2,000 as at 31st March 2020 then normally we would expect the software to give us a listing to support that”

Would you be so kind and tell me if QuickFile can provide the necessary information?

Thank you in advance!

Yes Quickfile can show you this. You would go to Reports, select all reports. Scroll down the page and find the debtor/creditor report, and input your date.

On my account it shows me totals by client or supplier and a breakdown with the balances of each invoice.


Thank you very much for your help, Spike! You massively helped me!


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