Historical invoices - 1. wrong entries (part paid) / 2. currency wrong as well


I have a couple of entries in my Historical invoices
(Historical Debtor and Creditor Invoice Report) - invoices payable for 30/04/2014

They were paid in full to different account (s), - (they show paid in full everywhere and are tagged accordingly)
From that account a sales commision was paid and rest transferred to current account.
on Historical invoices both these payments show ‘part paid’ with dome leftover sums that do not make sense.

Please help

Due to the all the balances reported in GBP a couple of those invoices are showing the currency loss/gain as a balance, i.e. as if something is left to pay. Obviously this is not the case!

For multi-currency we are now looking at reporting all currency totals independently. Please leave this with us, we have a grasp of the problem and will look for some solutions today.


A small enhancement was made today to report any foreign currency invoices within separate tables. Let me know how you get on.