How do I record cash purchases?

How do I enter cash purchases? For the past year since my book keeper retired suddenly I have been entering all purchases as cash transactions in TAS Books. I could handle that since I could allocate to bank payments for later reconciliation.

It will be good to get back to using suppliers wherever possible but there will be occasions when (petty) cash purchases are done.

If its truly petty cash. Then tag to petty cash. If it’s money you’ve drawn yourself and then paid for something. Then tag it to proprietor drawings.

I enter purchases made with cash in exactly the same way as purchases made using card or bank payments - I create the purchase either directly via “enter new purchase” or using the receipt hub, but mark it as paid from the “petty cash” bank account if it’s paid using cash out of the till - I run a small shop - or the drawings bank account if it’s paid using my own personal cash.

If you later take cash out of the bank (either to top up the petty cash box or to “pay yourself back” for the purchase) then that’s simply a bank transfer from the current account to petty cash/drawings as appropriate, and if you pay cash in to the bank then it’s a transfer the other way.

Yes, Paul, thanks, I can see where to allocate the payment from OK at bottom of page.

What I’m having trouble seeing is a) how to select a supplier when I can’t see any way of showing a pull down list in “enter new purchase” or b) how to show in this box a cash payment to an unknown supplier.
Or do I have to enter e new supplier every time?

I just have a generic supplier for cash transactions.


If you start typing the supplier name it should offer to auto complete existing supplier names, or if there’s no match then it’ll create a new supplier record when the purchase is saved.


Thanks for the tips guys :grin:

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