How long should it take for stripe bank feed to show?

i have setup up stripe and it shows the active feed.

i sent myself a test invoice for £1 and paid it via stripe.
this shows as a paid invoice in quickfile sales, shows in the stripe bank account and its tagged.

i also send a customer an invoice with invoiceninja (old invoicing software) and it was also paid via stripe at a similar time.
this does not show in my stripe bank account feed or payments?

should quickfile import all my payment made through stripe if not initiated through quickfile, and if so how long should it take for them to show?


this morning my stripe holding account has updated and pulled in the feed from stripe for an invoice paid which wasnt raised through quickfile.
this is the one in the question above.

now my follow on question.

i manually created the client invoice in quickfile, then tagged the Money In payment to it.

what do i do with the Money Out stripe fee? This is untagged.
ive done a quick search and read a few posts but there seems to be different methods?

do i create a supplier called Stripe, then tag this to them as a Payment To A Supplier?

just incase it makes a difference, this is a brand new quickfile setup and i have not imported any bank feeds or anything yet. im testing this before it goes live with existing customers.


Just to confirm - the Stripe feed runs overnight (usually around 2 or 3am), so any transactions from the previous day will appear around then.

In regards to the fee, creating a supplier would be the best way to account for these. Stripe fees in particular are subject to reverse charge VAT rules, so if you’re VAT registered, you will need to account for this. Stripe issues an invoice around about the 4th or 5th of each month with a summary of the fees from the month before.


so would i do this to make the least amount of work:

setup a supplier Stripe.
leave the stripe fee transactions untagged.
wait for the monthly invoice from stripe.
add the invoice to the account.
then i think pay the invoice with all the multiple fees somehow?

if so, can all them fees be tagged automatically or all at once, rather than having to manually do each one by one?

Hi @adnw,

it may just be easier to delete the fees as they come in and then process them as one transaction when you get the invoice

so delete them from my stripe feed, then wait for the invoice, then make that as one payment? Where would it be paid from - from my stripe account?


Hi @adnw,

Yes that is how I would do it

You can have an auto tagging rule that tags transactions as pre-payments for a particular supplier, if you did that then you could create one purchase at the end of the month and use “apply from credit” to attach all the prepayments to that in one go.

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