How to add suppliers for one off payment

Hi, just signed to this amazing software, i have been looking for years to streamline my book keeping.

But how do i setup a supplier i just make a single payment to? Like purchasing software or an item for the business?

There’s no point adding every supplier under the sun, certainly if you’re only ever going to use them once. To give you an example you may be buying fuel from different petrol stations when you’re on the road. Rather than enter a supplier for BP, Shell, Texaco etc just add one supplier called “Generic Fuel” and post them all under that one supplier. If you want you can put the actual supplier name in the description.

So basically create suppliers called “Generic …” and lump one-off sales under there. Hope that helps and I’ve understood your question correctly.

Thank you also for your great feedback :smile:

Thanks for that

Perhaps related is i am scanning in bus tickets, now i have several of these and dont wish to scan in individually, so should i have a supplier say for “travel” and lump then in with that?

Yes that would work “Generic Travel Expenses”.