How to deal with invoice from prior year


I’m new to Quick File and am hoping someone will be able to help with a coding question.

I have an invoice to pay that relates to the previous financial year (the accountants included the cost in the old year).

Would I be right in thinking this invoice will be part of the Creditors figure I extracted from the trial balance and entered into Quick File with my opening journal?

If so should I pay the invoice against the supplier so the VAT is picked up (it hasn’t been claimed yet) and then journal the net cost from the p&l nominal code to the creditors code.

In my non accounting head this seems logical as it will remove the expense form the p&l and reduce the amount showing as owed to supplier, but I suspect I’m off track?

Any advice will be gratefully received.

I suppose invoice relate to accrual booked last year, if yes just reverse accrual journal (provided opening TB is fully entered) then book invoice as usual and mark it paid, it should come under vat as well if applicable.

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