My company is not registered for VAT, which is reflected in my QuickFile settings.
But my Customers in Poland require to see their VAT numbers on my invoices, as per Polish regulations.
I looked at Invoice Customization settings but wasn’t able to find the option to add a Customer VAT. This is probably due to the logical assumption that you legally don’t need to show it on your invoice, if it’s not a VAT invoice. This may be true in the UK, but not in Poland.
So I’m getting all my invoices back with requests to add VAT — and it’s slowing my cashflow and adding busywork.
Is there a way around it? Maybe adding an option (deselected by default for non-VAT companies) to display customer VAT?
Meanwhile, what would be the quickest solution, other than manually adding the VAT number to invoice PDF?
The client VAT number will appear automatically in the top right when it has been saved in the client settings and providing the client is marked as VAT registered in another EC member state at the time the invoice is raised.
The problem you will have is that you won’t be able to mark the client as “VAT Registered” if you yourself are not “VAT Registered”. As the software has been designed primarily for the UK market this won’t be a problem for most, I’m not sure exactly what the requirements are elsewhere in the EC?
To get the VAT number on the invoice for your client I would suspect the simplest way is to include it on the invoice notes for now.