How to log a HMRC tax refund

I was just wondering if I can have some help in tagging a tax refund that has been put into my business account, I am self employed. I then want to take that money from my business account to in to person account that is not linked to the business.

Please can some help in tagging this.

ive imported a screen shot of how it looks.Many thanks if some can help in tagging this or do I have to go to the proprietor account a enter the figure there at enter money out and then into business account. getting confused with the tagging procedure in this scenario.

Tag it to drawings as SA tax is drawing in first place

ooh ok easy as that…

What about the drawing of the amount of 3500.00 where do i tag this to aswell? so it shows on the account I’ve taken out 3500.00 to a personal account not linked to my QuickFile

Tag it to drawings as well

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Many thanks for all your help